All life experiences help some of the most essential soft skills and abilities. Ready to discover your top 3? Here’s an icebreaker to get you started.

What recent experience is on top of your mind right now?

Choose the answer that best applies to you.



How it works

Rank the statements from 1 (the one you identify with most) to 4 (the one you identify with the least).


Want to change your answer?

Use the “Back” buton to choose again.


Through this period of change, how would you describe your usual behavior? Click to rank the answers from 1 to 4.

In your parenting role, how would you describe your usual behavior? Click to rank the answers from 1 to 4.

In your role as a caregiver, how would you describe your usual behavior? Click to rank the answers from 1 to 4.

How do you handle complex situations? Click to rank the answers from 1 to 4.

Through this period of change, which situation do you experience most often? Click to rank the answers from 1 to 4.

In your role as a parent, which situation do you experience most often? Click to rank the answers from 1 to 4.

In your role as a caregiver, which situation do you experience most often? Click to rank the answers from 1 to 4.

Which of these statements do you relate to the most? Click to rank the answers from 1 to 4.

Through this period of change, which talent do you use most? Click to rank the answers from 1 to 4.

In your role as a parent, which talent do you use most? Click to rank the answers from 1 to 4.

In your role as a caregiver, which talent do you use most? Click to rank the answers from 1 to 4.

How do you behave when faced with the unexpected? Click to rank the answers from 1 to 4.

Which characteristics best describe you? Click to rank the answers.

Now let's add your contact info.

Do you identify as a…?

How old are you?

Are you working right now?

Choose a picture

Your RealCV is almost ready! It’s time to add your personal touch: choose or upload a picture that represents you and the changes you’re experiencing.
Max. file dimensions 100MB.
JPG and PNG compatible formats.
